WEB Starter Package
How do you get your company started on the Internet/WEB??
The Internet is an excellent and very low-cost marketing tool. People today use
the Internet as a replacement or supplement to the phone book - to find providers
of products and services. If you are not on the WEB, you are missing out on
potential business and falling behind your competition…
- Get a presence on the World Wide Web
- Be easily found by those searching for your product or service
- Increase new business inquiries
- Create a professional, big-company look and feel for your business
We are having a "get started" sale to help small businesses leverage the power
of the WEB. Offer valid for the fist 25 customers to place an order through
4/15/2007. During this time, the Basic Starter WEB Package is offered for 50%
off our regular pricing, plus Yahoo monthly hosting fees of approximately $11.95
/month. Design & Development by our staff, hosting by Yahoo.
Basic Starter WEB Package includes:
- Internet Domain name. First year free. (i.e. yourbusiness.com)
- Multiple email accounts, by Yahoo (i.e. sales@yourbusiness.com, etc).
- Five Gigabytes of storage, by Yahoo (more than enough….)
- Hosted by Yahoo to provide reliability and 7*24 service
- Four page customized website (i.e. www.yourbusiness.com)
- Home page (overview of company and services/products. The
“attention getter.”)
- Services/Products page (details of products/services)
- Portfolio page (examples of your services/products, pictures,
testimonials, etc)
- Contact page (listings for business phone numbers, address, fax,
email inquiry, etc)
Examples of our Starter Package & satisfied customers:
Bay Bridge Investments, LLC.